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When does LogicMark announce earnings?

LGMK typically releases its quarterly earnings approximately 6 weeks after the end of each quarter. Annual earnings releases are approximately 12 weeks after year end. Conference calls associated with the release of results will be scheduled and announced on the website and via a news release two weeks prior.

When does LogicMark’s fiscal year end?

LGMK is on a calendar fiscal year ending December 31.

Who is LogicMark’s transfer agent?

Nevada Agency and Transfer Company

50 West Liberty Street

Suite 880

Reno, NV 89501

(775) 322-0626

How can I be alerted when you issue news releases?

You can sign up to receive email notifications from LGMK by following this link.

When was LogicMark incorporated?

LGMK was founded in 2006 and incorporated in the State of Delaware on February 8, 2012. On December 30, 2021, the Company’s two operating subsidiaries, LogicMark LLC and 3D-ID LLC were merged into Nxt-ID, Inc. On February 28, 2022, the name of the Company was changed to LogicMark, Inc.

On what exchange does LogicMark trade?

LGMK trades on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

What is LogicMark’s CUSIP number?

The CUSIP for LGMK common stock is 67091J503.